Ignorance, Thinking and Knowing

That’s the pattern. Another way of saying it is: you dont’ know, you think you know, and you know.

It goes hand in hand with another pattern of ideas, action and results. People who don’t know or are ignorant are, not sure what they are searching for, and are continually trying many things to find out where they belong. It filters through their ideas and the actions they’ve taken to discover the results.

Over time, this develops into a pattern of the groups they hang out with, the thoughts and ideas they have, and the life they live.

Conscious design takes a different approach. It realizes that there are these two patterns in the world around us; not knowing to knowing, and manifesting abstract ideas into reality.

The truth is that the ideas are more concrete than the material. The ideas bring the most amount of change in a persons life than the reality. For example, realizing that life is overly abundant opens infinite opportunities than realizing the scarcity and lack of resources. The free food from dumpsters is food for me, soil to make, and a garden to harvest from. The pallet wood is free lumber to make an infinite number of projects. This is in contrast to the scarce idea of: I have no money to do this, I need more education, and there’s always something in the way of making this happen.

Concrete ideas are more constant than the material. The experiences last forever and will stay with you as a story to translate and share with others. The material is  impermanent and will only last for a short life span. It has a life that will only last a blink within time. These are ideas people need to know and have making the material items that much more precious.

“Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habit. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.” – Anonymous