Gardening on Land that Isn’t Yours

So I’ve made the decision to take ownership of land that is not mine through gardening. I ask permission or it has been offered to me. I know lots of folks that guerilla garden and it’s awesome. This post is not about that.

The idea that the land is ours has brought about a job at a school where I garden, and doing garden jobs when I have the time. It’s not 100% ownership; nature owns a good chunk of it and so do the people that have the papers to it. As the gardener though, I get to call the shots and so do you. Just don’t get too attached or financially strapped, and you can always let go and move forward.

Finding Land
is not hard. It’s actually the least important aspect. I’m afraid there’s a huge pattern of people who want to garden, but they think they have to do it on a hundreds of acres. Start with a family member who will let you use a small section of the yard, do some container gardening, or get started with some indoors plants. Land is simply the space that is around us. It’s everywhere and it’s just sitting there (waiting for us).

It’s best to start with a location that is nearby than too far away. Make sure you have easy access for at least a wheelbarrow and irrigation is always a plus. Just remember, slow and small solutions builds up into bigger and better opportunities.

Tell Your Story
Every time I meet somebody, I tell them that my dream is to provide the resources and knowledge that will create a restorative environment that supports mankind and nature. Gardening is part of it. Teaching and sharing exponentiates the ethics, principles, and techniques. For you it may be different or much of the same. The key is to find the words and ideas that ring for you and the people you are influencing.

When you know you are ready, all you have to do is add in the extra part of, “I’m looking for more land to:” garden, raise chickens, livestock, whatever you want. The people that have seen the progress and hard work that you’ve put into it will listen and provide.

It’s May Not Be What You Think It Is
It has it’s consequences though. The gardening job at the school requires me to take orders from a boss. My boss doesn’t trust everything I say, and she shouldn’t. So she makes me work on things, I don’t believe in. It’s part of it.

My FeelingsĀ really dont’ matter in the long run. Slow and small solutions are the key here. For most of the year I don’t get heckled but every once and a while there is a barking call in the distance or a late night/early morning phone call. I just do what she says and everything moves along smoothly. In the future, I make a note to get that done or find a solution to do it easier next time. As for you, don’t get too attached to any particular place or project. The experience and story are more important; they combine to form the bigger dream you should be building up to.

As far as I’m concerned, I get to do what I love, and the details don’t matter so much. In the long run, I’ll just add in, “I’m looking for a new opportunity,” or I’ll create that new opportunity at the school. The trust will build over time, and if not, I can always move to another project if I desire.

The key is to know that there are plenty of opportunities. Take your time to weed out the bad from the good and give it a try. It’s not going to be easy, and you’ll have plenty of learning experiences. Don’t give up because of a few or a lot of mistakes; they help to make a good story for you to share.